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Traditional Braces – South Elgin, IL

A Reliable Solution to Complex Orthodontic Issues

Even though there are many orthodontic treatments available, traditional braces remain as the most reliable option for straightening teeth and realigning bites. This time-tested treatment is a reliable solution to complex orthodontic issues for children and adults alike. Our in-house orthodontist here at Grand Dental — South Elgin can personally place metal wires and brackets to help patients overcome even some of the worst orthodontic complications. To learn more about traditional braces and if they’re right for you, call us today and schedule a consultation.

Why Choose Grand Dental — South Elgin For Traditional Braces?

How Do Traditional Braces Work?

Smiling woman with traditional metal braces in South Elgin, IL

The teeth are held securely in place by small ligaments, which means they can be moved to a small degree. This can be accomplished by attaching metal brackets to the teeth and connecting them together with a wire, which applies slight, sustained pressure. In turn, this pressure gradually moves the teeth into their ideal positions. The teeth will adjust to this pressure for about 4 to 6 weeks, at which point we will tighten the braces to keep the teeth moving towards the right positions.

Depending on the complexity and type of your orthodontic issue, traditional braces are typically worn between 18 months and 3 years. Should you have a particularly complicated case, our in-house orthodontist is well-equipped to design and implement the most effective braces treatment for you. When you come see us for a consultation, we’ll be able to give you a more specific estimate of how long your treatment will take. 

What Orthodontic Issues Can Braces Fix?

Closeup of beautiful smile with traditional braces in South Elgin, IL

Braces are ideal for correcting all manner of orthodontic problems, including those that are too severe to be addressed by clear aligners. Here are a few examples of situations that will likely call for traditional braces:

Bite Misalignment

Bite issues like an underbite, overbite, crossbite, or similar problem can lead to excessive wear on your enamel as well as a higher risk of other oral health issues. Traditional braces are an extremely effective and reliable solution for correcting an uneven bite.

Crowded & Crooked Teeth

Not only do crooked and crowded teeth distract from your appearance, but they make it more difficult to brush and floss effectively. Straightening your teeth out with traditional braces will make routine oral hygiene easier, in turn lowering your likelihood of cavities and gum disease.

Gapped Teeth

A noticeable gap or spaces between your teeth can make you feel self-conscious and can lead to damaged enamel. Fortunately, traditional braces can easily close these gaps for a uniform smile.

Caring for Your Braces

Woman with braces visiting her South Elgin orthodontist for checkup

Oral hygiene is always important, but since issues like tooth decay and gum disease can interfere with the orthodontic process, keeping your smile clean is essential while wearing braces. Our experienced in-house orthodontist will give you tips and techniques for brushing and flossing effectively around your wires and brackets.

You’ll also need to take care not to damage your braces. This will primarily involve avoiding hard, sticky, or crunchy foods that can potentially damage your wires or brackets. If you play sports, you’ll need a specialized mouthguard designed to accommodate braces.