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Clear Aligners – South Elgin, IL

Now Teens and Adults Can Straighten Teeth Discreetly

If you don’t want to begin orthodontic treatment because you’d prefer not to commit to having metal brackets and wires in your mouth for a year or more, you’re not alone. Many patients feel discouraged about starting an orthodontic treatment for this reason as well. That’s why Grand Dental – South Elgin is happy to offer a discreet and even more comfortable solution: Clear Aligners from our South Elgin, IL orthodontist! To learn more about this incredibly popular option for both adults and teens, give our dental office a call!

Why Choose Grand Dental - South Elgin for Clear Aligners?

What is Clear Aligners Treatment?

Clear Aligners clear braces in carrying case

To create clear aligners, we capture a digital scan of your teeth and send these images to an Clear Aligners lab. Once you receive your series of aligners, you’ll wear each pair for about one to two weeks at a time. This slowly shifts your teeth into straighter positions, all without using metal brackets and wires. Since they can be easily removed, eating and drinking the foods you enjoy is easy. Additionally, there’s no need to relearn your brushing and flossing habits.

How does the Clear Aligners system work?

Woman placing Clear Aligners tray

Invisalign’s custom trays are made from BPA-free plastic, and gently shift your teeth one day at a time. If you want your treatment to stay on schedule, you should wear them for at least 22 hours a day at minimum.

What happens during appointments?

Patient removing Clear Aligners tray from carrying case

At your initial appointment, our dental team will capture photos, X-rays, and perform a comprehensive exam. This unique data is used to create a 3D model of your current teeth as well as create your final treatment plan. This plan is also used to simulate the path your teeth travel over time. By doing this, you can see the final result of your new smile as well. Additionally, Clear Aligners’s advanced planning technology allows us to confirm the number of visits you’ll need to complete, when it’s time to switch to a new set of trays, and the length of your realignment. When you come for your second appointment, you’ll be given the trays and taught how to keep them clear and in good condition. In most cases, you’ll only need to visit us every other month so we can confirm your teeth are shifting as planned. Typically, treatments take between 9 and 24 months.

Am I a candidate for Clear Aligners treatment?

Man placing Clear Aligners tray

Not only are both teens and adults eligible for Clear Aligners, but teens can receive aligners with blue compliance indicators on them. This helps parents confirm that the aligners are being worn enough to shift teeth on schedule. If you’ve always wanted to feel confident about your appearance while undergoing orthodontic care, Clear Aligners is likely for you. Thanks to advancements in Clear Aligners, even complex issues can be addressed with clear aligners! Furthermore, our dentists have completed additional training to handle more difficult cases. It’s our goal to ensure the way in which you complete treatment falls in line with your lifestyle.

What is Clear Aligners treatment for Teens?

Woman holding up an Clear Aligners tray

Clear Aligners Teen is a system that works to not only replace the need for wires, brackets, and bands that are used in traditional braces, but make the treatment process nearly invisible from start-to-finish. Each pair of aligners is customized specifically for your teenager’s teeth.

How does the Clear Aligners system work?

Hand holding an individual Clear Aligners clear braces tray

When addressing common orthodontic issues, Clear Aligners Teen is just as effective as traditional braces. However, they need be work for at least 22 hours per day. While many parents are worried that their teenager won’t remain compliant with their clear aligners, clinical studies have shown that teens actually wear aligners more responsibly than most adults! If you still need convincing, we’re here to educate: all clear aligners from the Clear Aligners Teen system have blue dot indicators that fade when they are worn. This way, doctors and parents alike can track compliance and ensure the aligners are being worn for long enough.

What happens during appointments?

Dentist and patient looking at Clear Aligners digital treatment plan on computer

At your first appointment, our experienced team members will capture photos, X-rays, and perform a detailed dental exam. Once this information is gathered, we can develop a 3D model of your smile and begin creating your treatment plan. This plan not only shows how your teeth will be adjusted, but determines how regularly you’ll need to visit our dental office, when you need to switch aligners, and the length of your treatment. During your next appointment, we provide you with your clear aligners and give tips on how to keep them clean and functional. In most cases, patients only need to visit every other month. While it can depend on the severity of the case, treatment generally last between 9 and 24 months.

Is my child a candidate for Clear Aligners Teen?

Young patient placing Clear Aligners Teen aligner tray

If your child has mild to moderate cases of underbite, overbite, overcrowding, or gaps between teeth, Clear Aligners Teen is likely a great option for them. Each aligner is equipped with a blue compliance indicator (dots) that inform parents on whether or not the aligners are being worn for long enough. Clear Aligners Teen is so sophisticated, it can handle even complicated orthodontic cases! To give you even more confidence, our doctors have completed additional training specifically for handling difficult Clear Aligners cases. We are fully committed to ensuring your child receives the results they want, all while helping them maintain their lifestyle.

Understanding the Cost of Clear Aligners

The cost of Clear Aligners in South Elgin

Patients who desire to straighten their teeth with clear aligners understand the many benefits of this orthodontic solution. But does the cost of Clear Aligners in South Elgin tend to keep patients from moving forward? Our team of professionals will work with you to identify whether your dental insurance company or an alternative solution will prove beneficial in treating your crooked, misaligned smile. If patients have any questions, they’re encouraged to contact our office .

Factors that Affect the Cost of Clear Aligners

Clear Aligners aligner in South Elgin

The first step to determining the cost of Clear Aligners aligners is for patients to schedule a consultation with an Clear Aligners dentist in South Elgin . During this visit, our team examines the individual’s mouth to determine the severity of the damage, the number of aligners they will need, and the timeline for expected results.

Clear Aligners vs. Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

Clear Aligners aligner in South Elgin

It is natural for patients to want to save money on orthodontic treatment. But falling for one of the many corporate, over-the-counter options tends to produce lackluster results. Kits like Smile Direct Club™ seem cost-effective and easy to use, but their process can result in more serious problems for a person’s smile.

There are many reasons orthodontists strongly suggest patients choose Clear Aligners over do-it-yourself (DIY) options like Smile Direct Club™. A few of those reasons include:

  • The requirement is to take one’s impressions using cold dental putty. These are often less accurate and can produce ill-fitting trays.
  • The lack of orthodontic oversight from a professional. Instead, individuals are told to participate in regular follow-up virtual appointments, explaining their own progress.
  • The potential hazard it can cause is that an individual may not be eligible for Clear Aligners; however, without proper consultation, it cannot be determined.

Choosing Clear Aligners and opting to see a qualified professional can make a drastic difference in the way people view their results and their confidence.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Clear Aligners?

Dental care paperwork in South Elgin

It depends on whether an insurance company will cover Clear Aligners. Many policies do not offer orthodontic coverage, which means a person must apply for a separate plan. Those that are included in the original policy may have terms associated with coverage. In many, there are age limits or types of braces a person can receive. However, if Clear Aligners is included, our team will work with individuals to maximize their benefits and identify alternative ways to pay should it be required.

Options for Making Clear Aligners Affordable

Woman smiling after Clear Aligners in South Elgin

Apart from dental insurance, we are pleased to provide our patients with two alternative ways to pay:

  • Flexible Financing – Through CareCredit, individuals can apply for low or no-interest financing that makes it easy to spread out payments for months or years, making it easy to stay within budget.
  • Grand Advantage Plan – By paying one single fee each year, patients receive access to basic preventive dental care as well as discounts on all other available services.

Clear Aligners FAQs

Close up on a person holding an Clear Aligners clear aligner

While traditional braces are often uncomfortable to wear and problematic when trying to eat certain foods, Clear Aligners in South Elgin gives patients an amazing alternative. Clear Aligners is popular for both teens and adults, however many have questions about the treatment, how to care for the aligners, and more. Read below to learn the answers to some of the most common questions about Clear Aligners and do not hesitate to contact us to speak with a friendly team member.

Does Wearing Clear Aligners Hurt?

When you begin your Clear Aligners treatment, you can expect some minor discomfort. Your mouth has to get adjusted to the clear aligners, and your teeth will start to shift. Within the first few days, you can expect your slight pain to slowly go away, allowing you to feel comfortable and happy. That said, this process will occur each time you switch your current set of aligners to the new ones. A significant advantage of Clear Aligners is that you won’t have to experience the mandatory wire tightening that typically comes with traditional orthodontics.

Are Clear Aligners Results Permanent?

Clear Aligners results are permanent if the patient follows their completed treatment with a retainer. During the next weeks, and years after Clear Aligners, our cosmetic dentist in South Elgin will give patients custom-made retainers that keep new, straight smiles in their aligned positions. Your teeth shift in general, however they are especially prone to movement after orthodontic treatment. This makes wearing a retainer and following our instructions integral if you want to avoid undoing all the time you put into your Clear Aligners clear braces.

What Should I Do If I Lose My Clear Aligners Trays?

During your first visit to our South Elgin office, we will highly recommend purchasing a protective case for your aligning trays. This will not only help to prevent oral bacteria from spreading on your aligners, but it will also keep you from accidentally throwing away or losing them – simply place your Clear Aligners back in its protective case when necessary.

If one or both of your aligners becomes damaged or lost, wear the last set of trays that you have until we can determine the proper next steps. In some cases, you can move on with treatment, however we may also need to have new aligners created.

Can I Be Treated with Clear Aligners If I’ve Worn Braces in the Past?

Even if you have had traditional braces in the past, it is possible to take advantage of Clear Aligners treatment. Primarily, your candidacy for Clear Aligners will depend on the severity of your misalignment (overcrowding, misaligned bites, crooked teeth, or gapped teeth). We use advanced technology combined with a thorough evaluation of your smile to determine if Clear Aligners can provide the results you need. Once we see that you’re a good candidate, we will create a personalized treatment plan that will ensure that you achieve a healthy, straight set of teeth.

Braces & Clear Aligners Videos

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Clear Aligners First Clear Aligners
for Kids

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Health Effects
of Misaligned Teeth

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How Clear Aligners
Really Works

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Clear Aligners Teen
What It Is, Why It's Better

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