It is believed that in the United States, more than 36 million people are living without any regular teeth. This staggering number is often the result of poor oral hygiene and facial trauma, and many of these individuals are resorting to more traditional methods of tooth replacement, like regular dentures. At Grand Dental - South Elgin, though, we aim to provide a more stable and longer-lasting solution – implant dentures. Call us to schedule a consultation or keep reading to learn more about these prosthetics and how they can drastically improve your life.
Implant dentures are unlike their traditional counterparts. Instead of adhering to the gums with natural suction or denture adhesive, these unique prosthetics are secured in place thanks to the titanium, screw-like posts that are surgically placed inside the jawbone.
Most implant dentures require between four and six posts; however, this is dependent on various factors, one of which is the type of denture you will receive. Our team will go over your options with you during a scheduled consultation:
A fixed or permanent implant denture requires that you have a dense jawbone that can support four to six implant posts. These are placed within the jawbone, and the prosthetic cannot be removed without the help of a trusted professional.
A removable implant denture may not require as dense of a jawbone, as it only needs between two and five implant posts. These can be positioned in the densest areas of the bone for maximum support. You can easily remove this prosthetic and clean underneath it.
The implant denture process requires multiple steps – four to be exact. While each patient’s treatment plan is different, the four steps that are required ensure that the posts are positioned correctly, and that initial placement achieves a high success rate.
The first step is scheduling a consultation with a member of our Grand Dental – South Elgin team. After determining if you require bone grafting, gum disease treatment, tooth extraction, or any other preliminary service, we will determine if you can move forward with dental implant surgery or if you must wait.
Our in-house implant dentist will then place each of your implants into their designated area along the jawbone so that your new smile remains built on a strong foundation. This will require you to spend several months recovering, allowing your mouth to thoroughly heal. It is during this time that osseointegration must occur successfully. This is the process of allowing your implant posts to fuse with your jawbone, which can take 4-6 months.
Once you are fully healed, you’ll return to receive your metal abutments, which connect your restoration to your implant posts. The final step is to receive your new teeth. Once in place, whether it is a crown, bridge, or denture, you can begin to experience their many unique benefits and the opportunity to enjoy life with a full, complete smile.
To be a candidate for implant dentures, you must be in good general oral health (show no signs of gum disease or existing tooth decay), have enough jawbone density to adequately support your new smile, and be in good enough overall health to undergo minor dental surgery. You must also be committed to taking proper care of your implants once they are in place.
Even if you are unable to receive dental implants right away, we can make sure your mouth receives the treatment it requires to support these prosthetics in the future.
Combining dentures and dental implants presents many great benefits for patients like yourself who are suffering from complete tooth loss. Some of these advantages include: