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Store-Bought vs. Professional Teeth Whitening: Which is Better?

May 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — granddentalse @ 3:41 pm
a man having his teeth whitened at the dentist

According to a survey from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry conducted in 2018, an estimated 71 percent of participants stated that they had undergone teeth whitening in their lifetime. The strive for a brighter, more beautiful smile is something that millions invest in, whether that’s with store-bought whitening strips and toothpaste or professional take-home or in-office whitening. Weigh the pros and cons of each of these whitening methods below to choose the one that will work best for you.


Naturally, one of the differences that many people will look at between store-bought and professional teeth whitening is how effective they are. Oftentimes, the marketing on packages can be better than the product itself, leaving consumers wanting more. This can result in you investing in store-bought whitening strips or toothpaste, not getting the results you were hoping for, and purchasing professional teeth whitening anyways.

Professional take-home and in-office teeth whitening utilize highly effective, clinically proven ingredients. They boast the ability to brighten your smile by up to eight shades. The same cannot be said for many over-the-counter kits.


Another important factor to consider when weighing the pros and cons of teeth whitening methods is the cost. While toothpastes, whitening strips, and trays that you can purchase in your local department store will cost less than professional whitening, they won’t be able to deliver transformative results. So, if that’s what you’re looking for, whitening from your cosmetic dentist may be worthy of the up-front investment.

Treatment Time

If you’re looking to achieve the brightest results possible within a specific period of time, over-the-counter products aren’t the best option, as they’re unpredictable. Professional whitening treatments are completed in either a single hour-long appointment or two weeks of at-home use.

Lifespan of Results

Another factor to consider is how long your results will last, or the overall value of the products you purchase. Professional teeth whitening results can last for between six months and a year depending on your daily habits, while store-bought products are less predictable. Plus, routine touch-ups with professional whitening can help you maintain your results without causing dental sensitivity or other unwanted side-effects, while store-bought kits can lead to enamel erosion and other oral health concerns when overused.

Despite professional teeth whitening being the higher up-front investment cost-wise, these methods offer more pros than cons. This is why millions of people every year decide to bite the bullet and make the worthwhile investment in take-home or in-office teeth whitening from their cosmetic dentist.

About the Author

Dr. Tom Siewert has over four decades of experience providing lasting, beautiful cosmetic dental results. He loves offering teeth whitening, veneers, and other aesthetic services and getting to watch his patients’ transformations when they come in embarrassed of their smile and leave feeling confident and proud. For questions or to schedule an appointment, visit Grand Dental – South Elgin’s website or call 847-741-4035.

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